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All games are schedueled to be played 5 against 5 according Swedish Hockey federation rulemaking. In the initial series, if games are Tied the finalization of games will be determined by shootout. 3 for each teams. The winner of that shootout will have an additional point +1. Games are played 2X20 MIN.

For all games in the play-off wich will result in Tied,then 5 min Sudden D( 3 against 3) will determined the winner. If games are not finalized with a winner,the shootout will occur,with best of 5 shootout will finalize the winner of that Game.

How is points calculated in each games? Winner of a Game 3 Points. Tied 1 Point, loss 0 points. Winner after shootout +1 Point.There will be players in all category ``Defense,Forward,Goalie that shows exceptionally good sportmanship&Determination awarded in each Cayegory Class 1, Class 2.

All competing Team must have there Nation Flags on left breast on Game Jersey. There should be one set of ``Home Jersey, and one set of away Jersey. All Games is published  at cuponline.se from evening the 5th June.Overaged player (2010)(2011) can be accepted in case of unforeseen events. This must be approved by CUP-Management before Tournaments starts.Registration fee i spayed upon registration and player fee payed 1 April. Registration fee are non-refundable.